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PROCEDURE FOR JOINING ILLUMINATI STEP 1: The first stage is usually the Initiation Stage. Immediately after the Initiation, new members are given a Money Awards equivalent to USD $500,000 to reorganize their Lives in-order to fit the class and status of the club members. Others Money Awards are communicated after the Initiation stage. However, this is the basic requirements needed during the Initiation Stage. Joining Members around Uganda will join with Membership Initiation Fees: Ug Shs 700000/= NB: New members must send the Registration Fees by western union, MoneyGram, Bank transfer, Depositing directly on our account. Etc. OTHER COUNTRIES: USD $200. If you want to join from other countries, please call us on the website numbers below and we shall send you the procedure of paying the membership fees. NB: Once you attend the Initiation Ceremony, you will be formally introduced to the Network of Illuminati Society Worldwide and you will receive all the benefits and privileges given to the New Members of Illuminati.